“I have decided that sitting on the fence is not a God thing,” I told my family.
In real life everyday situations, much evil has continued because people are afraid to take a stand. Oh, they may take a stand in private conversations but few will voice their views in public. They are afraid they may be rejected.
I have been there. Sometimes I am a coward and sometimes I am brave. Sometimes I notice that others are cowards. Sometimes they are brave.

There have been times when I should have publicly supported someone who was right, but I didn’t. We need to check out rumors or gossip. There have been times when I wished someone would be brave enough to voice their support for me, but they didn’t. Standing with someone who is assumed guilty could mean rejection, the loss of a job, a loss of credibility or more (in the sight of men, not God). I’m sure you have been there too.

Lately I have realized the importance of standing up for what is right and publicly supporting others who are right. Sitting on the fence or being neutral is not a Godly characteristic.
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Civil Rights Leader), said so aptly, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Jesus definitely spoke up. He was not a coward!

Father, You have shown me how often I have been a coward. Please forgive me. Make us bold and courageous followers of You. Help us take a public stand against what is wrong. Help us to be willing to pay the price. Jesus did. Amen