Saturday, 26 December 2015

A Time of Loving

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.”  John 3:16a

The story of Christmas is the story of God’s love.  A love that was willing to give what was most precious to save a dying world.  God so loved, that he gave his Son.  Christmas gives us a glimpse into the heart of God; a heart overflowing with love; a heart longing to help the people in bondage to sin.  Here was love that was great enough to give an only Son for people who rejected him.

This Christmas we too will be faced with people that need our love.  At times it will be easy to give our love.  Sometimes it will take a lot of effort and maybe there will be times when it seems almost impossible to love.  When we face those moments, we need to remember that God is waiting to pour his love into our hearts to share with others.  As the love of God who gave his only Son, fills our hearts we will be able to love the unlovely in our world as Jesus did.

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